
The school aims to innovate and to be as close as possible to the needs of companies. We can’t wait to hear from you.
Want to become a Piktura partner ?
Whether you'd like to take part in one of our courses, take part in our juries, communicate with our students (conferences, innovation presentations, testimonials, publicize your company), recruit profiles or sponsor events, we're open to all requests and already work with numerous partners on a wide range of subjects.
Devenir intervenant
Filières visées pour l'intervention *
Votre CV en format pdf * ( Taille maxi : 2 Mo )
Consentement *
En soumettant ce formulaire, j'accepte que les informations soient stockées dans le cadre du traitement et du suivi de mes demandes et de recevoir d'autres informations provenant de Piktura.

* Mentions obligatoires
Nous proposer une idée de partenariat
Consentement *
En soumettant ce formulaire, j'accepte que les informations soient stockées dans le cadre du traitement et du suivi de mes demandes et de recevoir d'autres informations provenant de Piktura.

* Mentions obligatoires

Our partners

center of excellence Toon Boom
Piktura is designated a Center of Excellence (CEO) by Toon Boom. This program is designed to reward and recognize the growing global community of institutions offering outstanding academic programs in animation and storyboarding using Toon Boom software.

We're partners !
Clip Studio Paint
Le Géant des Beaux-Arts

Recruit a student / graduate

In 20 years, the school has trained 800 talented young people, and is training another 365 this year. Are you looking for a specific profile and want to recruit a former student or offer an internship to our current students ?
Submit an internship or job offer
  • Publish your offers in just a few clicks
    Once you've created your company account, all you have to do is log in and publish your job offers.

  • Greater visibility
    Benefit from the exclusive « partner » label, distinctive logos in the Offers and Events modules, and customize the content of your company profile.

  • An accessible CV book
    Permanent access to your Career Center CV library.

  • Save time managing offers and applications
    Your job offers are automatically archived according to your defined date, an application management module, and the possibility of re-publishing archived offers.

  • Student statistics
    Discover students' keywords and search criteria.

  • Mobile version
    So you always have your tool in your pocket to consult or distribute whenever you want.

Aprenticeship tax

Thanks to the collection of the apprenticeship tax from our partners, companies can contribute to the training of high-level professionals in promising sectors. This allows us to finance the expenses necessary for the development of our school while strengthening our strategic axes.
More information on
the apprenticeship tax
In 2024, the collection and allocation about the balance of the Apprenticeship Tax is going to change !

Are you a company?
From May 27 to October 4, you can use the SOLTéA platform to allocate your 2024 Taxe d'Apprentissage balance. By logging on to the SOLTéA platform (via NET-ENTREPRISES), you can choose to which establishment(s) the balance of your Taxe d'Apprentissage will be allocated. By choosing Piktura, you are encouraging and supporting our students to become the creative and cultural industry players of tomorrow.

Reform 2024, the 3 stages to know :
  • Calculate the amount due for payroll 2023
  • Declare and pay this amount to URSSAF or MSA via the DSN of April 2023 (May 5 to 15, 2024)
  • Transfer to one of our establishments via the SOLTéA platform as of May 27, 2024
2023’s changes,
the 3 steps you need to know
Calculate the amount due
for 2022 payroll
Declare and pay this amount to the URSSAF or the MSA via the DSN of April 2023 (5 to 15 May 2023)
Refer to one of our establishments via the SOLTéA platform as of May 25, 2023

UAI Piktura


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Become a privileged partner by supporting our school Piktura
Becoming the privileged partner of an art and design school means :

  • Getting involved into the pedagogy of tomorrow
  • Providing high-performance teaching tools
  • Involve your professionals during courses, conferences or visits illustrating your expertise
  • Establish partnerships with people in the animation, video game and digital industries
  • Conduct « Recruitment » workshops to meet and advise students
  • Staying as close as possible to what your skills needs
  • Helping with short-term start-up hosting
Nos résultats
Thanks to the payments of the apprenticeship tax, we have :

  • Recruited new professional teachers from the Video Game, Animation and Illustration industries
  • Created a Summer Camp to welcome middle school/high school students in order to offer them an introduction to our courses
  • Participated in the European Summer Program
  • Opened a research centre dedicated to virtual reality
  • Increased merit-based scholarship awards
  • Developed new training courses: the springboard year and the illustration sector
Our projects
With you, we will be able to continue our actions and also

  • Recruit new professional teachers from the video game and animation industries
  • Develop new courses: Bachelor's degree in Creative Coding, UX-UI Design
  • Creating a Creative Industries Research Lab
  • Finance computing servers (render farm) to ensure the production of films made at the end of the Bachelor's and Master's degree courses
  • Financing our new unique campus in La Plaine Images
Choosing Piktura
Piktura is one of the most eminent institutions in the Lille metropolis for teaching new 3D technologies.

With more than 390 students trained each year, Piktura provides a large network of partner companies with the skills they need to develop in the fields of 3D digital creation.
Since 2003, we have been training your future employees with 5 clear commitments :
  • Promote open-mindedness and realism
  • Prioritizing human relationships
  • Encourage reflexion
  • Continuous innovation
  • Preparing for the profesionnal world
Your support is crucial to help us maintaining our work quality !
Contribute to Piktura’s success with my tax!